Super Lawyers
We are pleased to announce that William E. Hannum III has been selected as Massachusetts Super Lawyers in the area of Labor and Employment Law, for the seventh year in a row. These listings are published in the November 2010 issue of Boston magazine, in New England Super Lawyers, and in Super Lawyers, Corporate Counsel Edition. Only five percent of Massachusetts lawyers are named Super Lawyers. Each year, Massachusetts Super Lawyers are selected following a ‘Blue Ribbon Panel’ review of the results of ballots sent to 37,000 lawyers throughout Massachusetts by Law & Politics.
New England In-House
William E. Hannum III authored a Special Feature entitled ‘Bullying In The Workplace: Risks And Tips For Employers’ in the November 2010 issue of New England In-House. The article discusses the risks of bullying in the workplace and the need for employers to implement an anti-bullying program for their employees.
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New England In-House
William E. Hannum III authored a Special Feature entitled ‘Class-Action Arbitration Requires Express Consent’ in the September 2010 issue of New England In-House. The article discusses the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that the arbitration of class claims requires the express consent of the parties to the arbitration agreement.
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New England In-House
William E. Hannum III authored a Special Feature in the May 2010 issue of New England In-House entitled: ‘Paper, e-record retention and the ‘litigation hold.”
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New England In-House
William E. Hannum III authored a Special Feature in the March 2010 issue of New England In-House entitled: ‘Social Media Both Blessing And Curse For Employers.’ In this Special Feature, Will discusses how social media presents both opportunities and challenges for employers: ‘…employers need to understand social media, how it affects their business generally, and then address the issue head-on, with policies and training that fit their culture and goals.’
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Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
William E. Hannum III was quoted in an article entitled ‘Amendment Could Herald Additional Arbitration Reform’ in the March 1, 2010 issue of Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly. The amendment prohibits defense contractors from forcing employees to arbitrate claims under Title VII, which bans employment discrimination based on race, color, gender or national origin. Though the law may only apply to contractors who receive payments from the 2010 defense appropriations bill, the fallout could be far broader. Will warns that given the potential for sweeping reforms in the future, employers may want to take a hard look at their present practices. ‘If they have systems in place that rely on [arbitration clauses], they may want to think about where they are going in six, 12 or 18 months.’
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Lawyers USA
William E. Hannum III was quoted in a Lawyers USA ‘Special Feature’ entitled ’20 Things Lawyers Need to Know in 2010.’ Tip 13 is entitled ‘Hiring Tips – don’t get sued.’ In this section, Will suggests using a checklist of potential problem areas when hiring; having a detailed, accurate job description; and being sure to verify an applicant’s legal eligibility to work.
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