Supporting Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming, And LGBTQ Students At Independent Schools
February 20, 2020 - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET - SHPC Webinar
An increasing number of students are openly self-identifying at school as transgender or gender non-conforming, and many schools are grappling with how best to support those students on campus, including in the admissions process, residential dorms, and athletic programs. Recognizing that LGTBQ status is personal to each individual and turns on the unique circumstances of each situation, this webinar will discuss how school administrators can incorporate flexibility into school policies and practices, while still providing sufficient guidance to students, parents, and school faculty and staff.
Topics will include:
- Recent legal developments and framework governing the rights of students and the responsibilities of schools, including with respect to privacy concerns and access on campus
- Best practices for fostering a safe, supportive, and welcoming school environment for LGBTQ students
Who should attend?
- Head Of School
- Chief Financial Officer
- Business Manager
- Dean Of Lower School
- Dean Of Middle School
- Dean Of Upper School
- Dean Of Students
- Dean Of Diversity And Inclusion
- Dean Of Residential Life
- Director Of Admissions
- Athletics Director
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