NBOA Webinar "Employee Participation Committees: Are You Dealing With A Labor Union?"
March 21, 2019 - 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET - NBOA Webinar
Sarah H. Fay will present "Employee Participation Committees: Are You Dealing With A Labor Union?" as a part of a webinar series for the National Business Officers Association (NBOA) on Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 4:00 pm.
Employee Participation Committees: Are You Dealing With A Labor Union?
Many independent schools have employee groups, sometimes referred to as employee participation, involvement, governance, and/or senate committees, that act as forums for the administration and employees to exchange ideas and recommendations on a wide variety of topics impacting the workplace and school operations. In many cases, these forums are advantageous to schools, ensuring that employees have a collective voice in organizational decision-making and facilitating collaboration – a hallmark of academic workplaces. However, independent school administrators should be aware that certain employee participation committees are unlawful under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), which applies to both union and non-union workforces. In this webinar you will learn about parts of the NLRA applicable to independent schools and the legal framework and implications of employee participation committees, including legal remedies and consequences of unlawful committees. Attendees will learn how to avoid creating unlawful employee participation committees, as well as risk management strategies for independent schools that may already have such groups on campus.
Learning Objective: After viewing this webinar, attendees will understand how the National Labor Relations Act applies to independent school employees and learn strategies for risk management and mitigation for employee participation committees.
Complete information and registration can be found on the NBOA website here.