Training Sessions:
Discrimination Claims And How To Avoid ThemIdentifying Family Responsibilities Discrimination
Discrimination Claims And How To Avoid Them
Federal laws prohibiting discrimination in the workplace go all the way back to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In the 45 years since the Civil Rights Act was passed, new anti-discrimination laws have been passed and case law has defined and refined the breadth and depth of the many anti-discrimination obligations imposed on employers. Facing a dizzying list of protected classes and newspaper headlines that shout out a painful reminder of the costs of ending up on the losing end of a discrimination claim, employers are wise to learn more about discrimination laws and ways to avoid discrimination claims.
This program provides an overview of the laws against discrimination as well as a more detailed review of the most common discrimination claims. In addition, this seminar provides practical suggestions regarding how to avoid the danger zones that can lead to discrimination claims.
Topics Include:
- The truth about at-will employment;
- Types of discrimination claims;
- The most common discrimination claims;
- Danger zones that can lead to discrimination claims; and
- Limiting liability.
Schwartz Hannum includes this important program in the Employment Law Boot Camp that is offered twice a year at the Firm. In addition, we regularly conduct this seminar at our client’s workplaces and we are happy to tailor the program to meet the specific objectives of individual clients.
Identifying Family Responsibilities Discrimination
Any company that employs working parents will want to join us for an interactive presentation to learn about the hot new employment discrimination claim – family responsibilities discrimination. This seminar will include a detailed discussion of the EEOC Guidance Regarding Workers with Caregiving Responsibilities. The program focuses on best practices to minimize the risk of liability.
Schwartz Hannum includes this important program in the Employment Law Boot Camp that is offered twice a year at the Firm. In addition, we regularly conduct this seminar at our client’s workplaces and we are happy to tailor the program to meet the specific objectives of individual clients.