Boot Camps
Training Sessions:
Employment Law Boot CampMini-Boot Camp For Small Employers: Practical Solutions To Small Employers’ Workplace Challenges
Advanced Labor and Employment Law Boot Camp
Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) Boot Camp
An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure: Employment Law Compliance For Small Employers
Employment Law Boot Camp
Schwartz Hannum PC has developed a fourteen-hour intensive human resources skills development program in response to the growing challenges confronting our clients.
Presented in an interactive seminar format, Employment Law Boot Camp reinforces participants’ existing knowledge of fundamental employment laws and personnel practices by exploring major risk areas and problem-solving strategies. Skilled attorney instructors provide extensive written resources, engaging real-life role-plays, and valuable networking opportunities for participants. Participants will receive a comprehensive Tool Kit containing essential, compliance forms, checklists and guidance.
Topics Include:
- Hiring Traps And Strategies
- Background Checks And Substance Abuse Testing For The Uninitiated
- Managing And Documenting Employee Performance: Discipline And Discharge
- Mastering An Effective Investigation Of Alleged Workplace Misconduct
- Risk Factors That Cause Discrimination Claims
- Harassment – It’s Not Just About Sex Anymore
- Critical Employment Policies – Limit Liability And Exposure While Serving Your Business Needs
- Tips And Traps For Managing Social Media In The Workplace
- Employee Rights And Responsibilities Related To Family, Medical And Other Leaves Of Absence
- Limiting Exposure To A Wage And Hour Complaint
Who Should Attend?
Executives, managers, attorneys, and human resources professionals.
Mini-Boot Camp For Small Employers: Practical Solutions To Small Employers’ Workplace Challenges
Schwartz Hannum PC has developed a program in response to the many legal challenges facing organizations with 20 or fewer employees.
Presented in an informal, interactive seminar format, Mini-Boot Camp For Small Employers: Practical Solutions To Small Employers’ Workplace Challenges is specifically designed to address and explore the risk areas faced by small employers, while also offering participants critical problem-solving strategies. Skilled attorney instructors will provide written resources, engaging real-life role-plays, and valuable networking opportunities for participants.
Participants will receive a Tool Kit containing essential compliance forms, checklists, and guidance.
Topics Include:
- “You’re Hired”: Hiring Traps, Strategies And Compliance Measures
- Help Me Help You: Managing And Documenting Employee Performance
- Critical Employment Policies: Limiting Liability And Exposure While Serving Your Business Needs
- Waging Battle: Limiting Exposure To A Wage and Hour Complaint
- “You’re Fired”: Firing Traps, Strategies And Compliance Measures
- Risky Business: How To Avoid Discrimination Claims
- Protecting Confidential Information In The Workplace
Who Should Attend?
Owners, executives, managers and human resources professionals of organizations with 20 or fewer employees.
Advanced Labor and Employment Law Boot Camp
Schwartz Hannum PC has developed a one-day, advanced human resources program specifically designed for experienced human resources specialists and/or graduates of Schwartz Hannum’s Employment Law Boot Camp. Presented in an interactive seminar format, knowledgeable and lively attorney instructors will discuss complex human resources issues. Participants will receive a comprehensive Tool Kit containing helpful forms, checklists and guidance.
Topics Include:
- Reductions In Force and Creative Ways to Reduce Headcount and Expenses:
- Best Practices for Planning and Implementing A RIF
- Alternatives to a RIF (Furloughs, Across-The-Board Salary Reductions, Voluntary Early Retirement Programs, Innovative Access To Unemployment Benefits and More)
- Tips for Avoiding and Successfully Defending Lawsuits
- Religious Discrimination: Defining and Preventing
- Conducting a Wage and Hour Self-Audit (Before the Government Audits You)
- Independent Contractors
- Exempt and Non-Exempt Classifications
- Telecommuters: Tips and Traps
- Unemployment Benefits
- Questions And Answers
Who Should Attend?
Experienced Human Resources Professionals, In-House Counsel and Graduates of Schwartz Hannum PC’s Employment Law Boot Camp.
Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) Boot Camp
Schwartz Hannum PC has developed a comprehensive human resources and management program in anticipation of the possible passage of the Employee Free Choice Act (“EFCA”). Passage of the EFCA, will present dramatic new challenges to employers that wish to keep all (or part) of their workforce “union free.” Presented in an interactive seminar format, EFCA Boot Camp instructs participants about expected dramatic changes in the law, and explains why employers must act now to prepare for those changes. The program reinforces how participants’ existing knowledge of basic management skills, employment laws and personnel practices can be utilized to reduce the heightened risks of union organizing efforts under the EFCA, by identifying major risk areas and problem-solving strategies. Skilled attorney instructors will provide written resources, engaging real-life role-plays, and valuable networking opportunities for participants. Participants will receive a comprehensive Tool Kit containing essential forms, checklists and guidance.
Topics Include:
- The Nuts And Bolts Of The EFCA: The National Labor Relations Act – And What Is About To Change
- How To Reduce The Risk Of Union-Organizing, Post-EFCA: Identifying Your Achilles Heel(s) And Making A Plan
- What Managers, Senior Executives And Human Resources Must Do Now: Critical Policies And Communications Strategies
Who Should Attend?
Whether from a union or non-union environment, all human resources managers, in-house counsel and all levels of managers, from senior-level managers to front-line supervisors, who are concerned about the risk of unions organizing their employees just by obtaining signed union authorization cards, without having to win employees’ votes in a secret ballot election.
An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure: Employment Law Compliance For Small Employers
Every day, we read about employment litigation involving large employers – class actions, eye-catching settlement figures, judgments for and against many Fortune 500 companies. What doesn’t get quite as much attention are the compliance problems of small employers. Small employers are subject to many of the same requirements as large employers but often lack the infrastructure to ensure compliance.
This program is specifically designed to address and explore the risks faced by small employers. We focus specifically on employers with fewer than 20 employees. The seminar is designed to introduce the most important employment law issues facing small employers. The material is presented using an interactive approach and offers practical problem-solving strategies.
Participants will also receive a Tool Kit containing essential compliance forms, checklists, and guidance.
Topics Include:
- Hiring traps, strategies and compliance measures;
- Managing and documenting employee performance;
- Critical employment policies: limiting liability and exposure while serving your business needs;
- Limiting exposure to a wage and hour complaint;
- Firing traps, strategies and compliance measures;
- How to avoid discrimination claims; and
- Protecting confidential information in the workplace.
In addition to offering this program throughout the year at the Firm’s offices, we are available to present this seminar at chambers of commerce, professional consortiums or a client’s workplace. We are also happy to tailor the program to meet the individual needs of our clients.