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Schwartz Hannum PC Attorneys Recognized For Participation In Marathon Assistance Project
In the days immediately following the marathon bombings last year, the Boston Bar Association (“BBA”) jumped in to help provide pro bono legal assistance to small businesses and individuals affected by the bombings. Through the Marathon Assistance Project, lawyers volunteered to assist small businesses with insurance claims and employment issues and to help individuals with One Fund claims.
Schwartz Hannum PC was thrilled to participate in this important effort. Two attorneys volunteered to help a small business in the Back Bay that had been affected by the bombings. “The BBA took action very quickly,” recalled an attorney, “and did a great job matching volunteer lawyers with people who needed legal assistance. It was very satisfying to be able to help in some small way.”
The BBA’s efforts paid off. Over 60 Boston-area lawyers participated in the Marathon Assistance Project. Boston’s former Corporation Counsel praised the BBA’s efforts:
“The impact which BBA’s staff and members had on the Marathon recovery was enormous. Victims and businesses were desperate for direction and professional assistance and BBA, partnering with the City, stepped up. As a runner, I was grateful. As a City official, I was impressed. As a lawyer…I was proud.”
At the annual Law Day Dinner on May 12, 2014, the Schwartz Hannum attorneys were among dozens of Boston-area lawyers honored for their work with the BBA Marathon Assistance Project. Schwartz Hannum PC joins with many others in extending its thanks to all of the attorneys who were recognized for their service.